ISSFHK Swimming Championships – Friday 11th November 2022 at Victoria Park

Dear Parents,

We would like to congratulate the following swimmers who have made the rigorous qualifying times in one or more events for the ISSFHK Swimming Championships. The Championships involve a large number of school teams across Hong Kong who are part of the ISSFHK membership. This is a prestigious and challenging event and a great opportunity for our swimmers to compete at a high level.

Congratulations to: Kiona McKnight (Y7), Sadie Marr (Y8), Georgina Renz (Y8), Charlotte Renz (Y8), Jamie Watson (Y8), Rico Lau (Y8), Sophie Rial (Y9), Jethro Tong (Y9), Axel Larsen (Y11)m and Ish Villa (Y12)

We have been informed by the organisers that due to current restrictions in HK, we are not able to invite spectators along to the event; however, we are looking for two experienced time keepers/officials to assist on the day. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer.

Arrangements are as follows:

Bus departure from DBIS: 7am

Estimated finish time of meet: 3.30pm

Estimated arrival back at school: 4.30–4.45pm

What to bring:

  • DBIS swim kit, goggles, team cap and team shirt (available from the uniform shop)
  • Towel, DBIS hoodie, PE shorts
  • Water bottle, healthy snacks and a packed lunch

Other: Students will need to scan the Leave Home Safe app on arrival at the venue.

Kind regards,

Susanne Clark and Karina Johnson

Swim Team Coaches

[email protected] [email protected]