Nursery – Week Commencing Monday 3rd October

Dear Nursery Families,

Our focus this week has been the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ This has led to wonderful discussions about how we fill our own buckets, our friends and our family’s buckets. Our Forest School sessions have continued to be a great success, with lots of muddy play and natural exploration.

Next week, we will begin sending home the class pet, Sparkles the Turtle in Seaside and Sushi the Panda in Starlight. The pet will go home on a Friday, and we ask you to please return it the following Wednesday. Over the year, every child will have the opportunity to have special time with the class pet.

We will also be continuing Question Time on Fridays in class. Next week, we will focus on sharing something special and interesting from home. Your child is invited to bring something to school to discuss with their classmates. Just a friendly reminder to please label these items to ensure they return to their rightful owner.

Please be reminded that next week Tuesday is a public holiday.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team