Parent Workshops

Dear Parents,
We would like to offer parents from all phases of the school the opportunity to participate in four free workshops, run by Jason Broderick, our Assistant Head of Secondary and Head of Wellbeing (Whole School). After a challenging few years, it is time for us to come back together as a community to celebrate the great things we do as parents, reflecting and considering how we can either improve or maintain our parenting skills and approaches. Over the last few years within the school, we have been developing a shared language and approach to better provide consistency, calmness and the importance of role modelling when faced with daily occurrences of life, whether challenging or rewarding.
These sessions have been developed to align with the shared language and approach that DBIS uses across the school with regard to building the character and culture of the school. They will allow participants the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the language and approach used within DBIS, which can then be used as a template to guide and assist your family’s core values. The workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to identify areas where they can strengthen or implement approaches to parenting.
Dates and topics:

1. Tuesday 8th November 2022 – Consistent Calm Behaviour: A series of reflective activities to learn how your behaviour as the adult has an impact on the behaviour of your child, as well as your co-parents. You will discover the power of consistency and using consistent approaches.
2. Tuesday 22nd November 2022 – Sustainable Routines: You will learn the roles of routines in a family home and how to establish and implement them effectively. You will have the opportunity to reflect or create some family routines that will support your home environment that you can use immediately.
3. Tuesday 6th December 2022 – First Attention to Family Values: You will establish techniques that prioritise the behaviours you want to see. You will develop methods to build and sustain a strength-based parenting approach in which you recognise behaviours you want to see while reacting constructively to inappropriate behaviours in a way that meets your family values.
4. Tuesday 17th January 2023 – Restorative Conversations: You will reflect on how your parenting affects your child’s behaviour and identify strategies that build a positive family culture. You will identify caring habits and learn how they can maintain a positive environment built through consistent, calm behaviour and sustainable routines. You will also have the opportunity to work through a restorative conversation and how this approach allows you and your family to be heard and understood.
All sessions will take place at the Main Campus in The Globe Theatre between 8.30am and 10am. In order for you to get the most out of the course for yourself and your family, participants are encouraged to be available for all four modules.
To comply with COVID-19 restrictions, all participants must meet the prevailing vaccine pass requirements, check in using the Leave Home Safe App and wear a mask throughout the sessions. There will also be a limited number of spaces available for these sessions, so they will be based on a first-come, first-served basis. To register your interest, please sign up using this Google Form, linked here.
We hope to see as many of you there as possible.