Sustainability Week in the Early Years

Dear Parents and Families,

We are looking forward to another super Sustainability Week at DBIS! With the UN’s Sustainable Global Development Goal ‘Life on Land’ a key focus for us this year, we will be encouraging our children to nurture nature and love our precious planet. As this year’s Sustainability Week falls in the penultimate week before the holidays, we are also hoping to encourage sustainable, eco-friendly celebrations this holiday season. 

Some exciting events in the Early Years phase to look forward to include nature workshops, led by the brilliant Tania Reinert. Students in EY1 and EY2 will really benefit from her expertise and enthusiasm. The 50-minute sessions will involve getting up close and personal with nature in the Forest Area and around the school campus. 

Other activities that will take place in the Early Years phase will include: 

  • Creating festive wrapping paper
  • Creating natural festive decorations during Forest School and Carpenter’s Cabin 
  • Friday 3rd December – Bring an old/hand-me-down toy to school day (There will be opportunities in class for the children to share news about the toy and its history)

We would love to encourage all children and families to walk or take public transport to school this week (and every week)! To help spread the word, we have set up a Padlet (linked here) for all children to post pictures of any natural treasures they find along their way to school. This could be a really interestingly shaped leaf, a super tall tree, an animal or insect they encounter along the way… the possibilities are endless!

Thank you so much for your continued support; it’s going to be a fantastic week!

With best wishes, 

Miss Fairweather and Mr Haines