Year 4 Celebration of Learning AND Onwards & Upwards Morning

Dear Year 4 Families,

On Thursday 13th June, the Year 4 students would like to invite you in to celebrate two special occasions with them.

Celebration of Learning – Young Entrepreneurs

From 9am – 9.30am the students will be showcasing their ‘Young Entrepreneur’ projects in The Globe. This term, they have focused on using their understanding of the product design process to research, develop and create a product that solves a market need. Could they create a product that deterred rodents from eating vegetables from vegetable patches in a humane way? The students are very proud of the innovative solutions they have come up with, and they would love to share them with you all.

Onwards & Upwards

From 9.30am – 10am, the students would like you to join them in their classrooms for their ‘Onwards & Upwards’ celebration. This part of the morning is to celebrate the students’ completion of a successful year of learning in Year 4. During this, the teachers will celebrate the achievements of each student in their class. It’s a wonderful way to say well done and send well wishes to everyone.

The Year 4 team look forward to celebrating with you all. If you have any questions regarding this morning, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Kind regards

The Year 4 Team