Year 6 Assembly Friday 15th November

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am delighted to announce that all of Year 6 will be performing a year group assembly on Friday 15th November at 8am to celebrate their trip to China.

Please ensure your child arrives at the Globe Theatre by 7.45am where the Year 6 team will meet them to prepare and warm up for the performance. If your child has an ECA scheduled for Friday mornings, please note that the assembly will take priority on this day.

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be available for parents outside the Globe, starting at 7.45am.

In preparation for the assembly, we kindly request that children wear their PE kit with a plain white t-shirt (no logos) to school that day. They will remain in this kit for the whole day.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Mike Peacock

Head of Year 6