This Week's Bulletins
Information for ordering 2024-25 student photos. An early bird discount is available until 15th November. For prints to arrive by the end of Term 1, orders should be placed by 20th November.
The CHP has informed us of an increase of HFMD-EV71 in the community and we wanted to pass along some information for families.
This is a friendly reminder that the DTap-IPV forms are due this Friday for Y1 and Y6 students. Please ensure that you complete either the consent or refusal form and submit it with the original vaccination records.Â
Last Week's Bulletins
Final information for Primary International Sports Week.
Information on how to book your end-of-term-1 PTC.
Please find the slides from the literacy presentation attached here.
Some important reminders for the week ahead.
An important date to mark in your diaries!
We are excited to introduce you to the Jigsaw PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) programme that has been integrated into our existing ‘Learning for Life’ curriculum this academic year.
Link to a collection of useful resources that were referenced during the recent Primary Learning Technologies workshop.
Primary Mandarin Workshop – details and sign-up link.
Year 11 Mock Examinations Timetable Thurs Nov 21st to Fri Nov 29th 2024.
Year 12 and 13 Mock Examinations Timetable (25th to 27th November 2024)
Families are invited to the Year 2 Celebration of Learning on the morning of Wednesday 4th December.
Information about a Year 4 Forest School session for this half term.
Link to the slides from the Week Without Walls information session.
Earlier Bulletins
I am delighted to inform you that Early Years International Sports Week will run from Tuesday 19th November to Friday 22nd November.
As part of our Christmas celebrations this year, FS-1 would like to invite our families into school for sing-alongs in the EYFS hall.
Link to the menu and lunch enrolment for November and December 2024.
Dates, times and key information for Primary International Sports Week (11th – 15th November).
Our next 2nd-hand uniform sale will take place on Tuesday 19th November.
Winter uniform items are available at the uniform shop now.Â
The Department of Health will come to our school on Friday 29th November 2024 to administer a vaccination with Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis and Inactivated Polio (DTaP-IPV) to eligible Y1 students.
Year 1 will being visiting the Hong Kong Space Museum to bring their ‘Count Them While You Can… Endangered to Extinct’ learning to life!
Please find information about an author visit and how to order their books through school.
Please find information about the Year 4 camp and sign the permission form to give your consent.
Please find further information about the upcoming Year 4 Celebration of Learning on Monday 9th December.
Year 5 will be going on a school trip to Kowloon Walled City Park on Thursday 21st November (Y5SM and Y5CD) and Friday 22nd November (Y5TS and Y5CG). The trip will cost HK$100 per child. Please give your permission for your child to attend the trip by completing the linked Jotform.
We are excited to announce that the Year 5 students will be participating in a two-night camp from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th March. There will be a parent talk on Tuesday 26th November at 8.30am.
The whole of Year 6 will be performing their year-group assembly on Friday 15th November.
The Department of Health will come to our school on Friday 29th November 2024 to administer a vaccination with Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis (reduced dose) and Inactivated Polio (dTap-IPV) to eligible Year 6 students.
Year 6 into Year 7 Information Session Slides – PDF.