Welcome to the DBIS Library for 2023–24

19th Aug 2023

Dear Parents & Guardians,

On behalf of the staff of the DBIS library, myself and library assistants Mrs Lolita Tupas (Main campus library) and Mrs Nilangi Thotawatte (EYFS campus library), I’d like to extend a warm hello to all DBIS families. 

The aim of the DBIS library is to provide a collection of books and online resources that not only support the curriculum but entice reading for pleasure by all students. There is an ever-growing body of research that demonstrates that reading for pleasure – the reading your child does of their own free will, in anticipation of the satisfaction it brings them – leads to greater all-round academic success and wellbeing. 

During the school year we will:

  • Promote the best of children’s and young adults’ literature;
  • Do our very best to get (or keep) children “hooked on reading” by recommending specific reading materials;
  • Add the latest and most exciting new books for our readers, including quality non-fiction to support the curriculum as well as online fiction via Overdrive;
  • Work with classroom teachers to help them find materials suited to the individual interests and abilities of each child in their class;
  • Hold and support book- and reading-related events, including Book Week (11th–15th September 2023), Battle of the Books, Buzzing for Books and author visits;
  • Provide access and training in the use of our online resources as well as collaborate with teaching staff to develop students’ information literacy skills;
  • Offer students leadership opportunities within the library.

EYFS and Primary classes are timetabled to visit the library once a week to borrow books. Please note that it is a requirement for FS-1 to Year 6 students to have a labelled A3 zippered waterproof plastic pouch. This protects books and magazines from wear, tear and water damage. These can be purchased from the uniform shop. Your child’s library book/s and folder need to come to school on the day that library is timetabled in order for them to continue borrowing. The lending period is one week. 

Year 7–9 Secondary students will have one English lesson timetabled in the library every two weeks for the purposes of exploring and reading books. Moreover, all Secondary students (Year 7–13) are able to access the library, as their timetable allows, for study and personal reading needs. The lending period for Secondary students is two weeks, and students are responsible for the safe keeping of all borrowed library resources as well as returning or renewing resources by their due date.

Parents are also welcome to visit and borrow books from the Main campus library before and after school, when classes are not in session (Monday–Friday, 8am–8.20am and 3.20pm–4pm).

Due to the size and nature of the EYFS library, we are only able to accommodate parents of FS-1 and FS-2 students there. Opening times for parents are: Tuesday to Friday, 8.30am–9am and 2.45pm–3.15 pm.

Library staff are so excited about this coming year and are committed to making the library one of your child’s favourite places in the school!

To learn more about the library, please visit our website.

With best regards

Melanie Foti
School Librarian
e. [email protected]
w. https://library.dbis.edu.hk/
t. @dbis_lib