Study Leave, Assembly and Callback Day Notice

Dear Year 11 Parents and Students,


I am writing to inform you about the upcoming study leave period, which will commence on 3rd May and extend until the completion of the IGCSE examinations. While Adam Reid, our Exams Officer, will send out personalised timetables separately, I would like to clarify the procedure for exam days leading up to the study leave.


  1. Study Leave Period: Starting from 3rd May, Year 11 students will be granted study leave in preparation for their IGCSE examinations. During this period, students will have the opportunity to focus solely on their revision and exam preparation at home.
  2. Assembly:  Year 11 students will have a final semi-formal assembly on 3rd May, where they will be joined by the Secondary Leadership Team. This assembly is a celebration of their journey thus far, marking the end of a significant phase in their lives and offering heartfelt wishes for success in their upcoming exams. Though the assembly is for students only, it will be available via live feed for families.
  3. Exam Days: In the case of any exams scheduled before the study leave period, we understand the importance of allowing students ample time for revision. Therefore, any student with an exam scheduled before 3rd May will be granted the day before and the day of the exam off from regular classes, to ensure they have sufficient time to prepare and perform at their best.

Students are expected to use this time wisely and dedicate themselves to their revision. It is crucial for them to create a structured study plan to cover all subject areas. Teachers will be available for consultation and support during the study leave period. Students should be encouraged to reach out to their subject teachers via email if they have any questions or need clarification in person.


We strongly emphasise the significance of utilising this study leave effectively to ensure the best possible outcomes in the IGCSE examinations. Please encourage your child to maintain a healthy study routine, take breaks when needed, and seek assistance when required. As mentioned, students will soon receive personal examination timetables – key information will also be shared that is intended to support them as they navigate this important period. We urge the students to familiarise themselves with the information shared.


Another Important Announcement for Year 11 Students


You are required to come back to school on Monday 17th June. On this day, you will receive information about the IGCSE procedure to receive results from our Examination Officer, Mr Reid. Additionally, there will be information for those moving into Sixth Form; Rebecca Boddington, the Head of Sixth Form, and Nick Moore, the Assistant Head of Sixth Form, will be present to provide detailed information on the transition process, including important dates for transition tests, transition packages and more. 


We wish all our Year 11 students the very best of luck with their exams. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best regards,

Amrith Prabhu