U11 Sports FOBISIA Selection – Team Announcement Process

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support with the ongoing U11 FOBISIA selection process. As you are aware, the students have participated in a number of additional sports competitions and assessments over the past two weeks, to showcase their skills in a range of disciplines. All students have been enjoying the extra sporting opportunities, and it is great to see the support they have shown towards one another throughout. With only one week to go before team selection is finalised, the PE department would like to share the process we will be following for announcing the final results and team. We hope that having a clear understanding of the process will support you in conversations with your child when the results are shared.
As part of the students’ athletic competition next week (Yr 6 Wednesday & Year 5 Friday), we will be speaking with the students about the selection process and results. This will involve the PE team discussing the following with the students:
  • Congratulating the students for putting themselves forward for selection and talking about how impressed we have been with their efforts;
  • Informing them that the results will be shared at 4pm on Friday 17th January, via parent email;
  • Reminding them of the decision-making process and the complexities of such a process;
  • Appropriate and considerate ways to respond depending on the result – especially amongst peers;
  • Informing students that they will have the option to come for one-to-one feedback on Monday 2nd February between 1pm and 3pm; this will be with a member of the PE department who will be able to discuss the students’ strengths and next steps for development;
  • Talking about resilience and reminding students that if they are unsuccessful in being selected for the FOBISIA team on this occasion, there will be many other sporting opportunities throughout the year.
As a large number of students have put themselves forward for selection, there will undoubtedly be some who are disappointed. To ensure the process is as positive as possible for the students, we ask that parents are also considerate of other children and families when it comes to discussing the results. It is kindly asked that parents only share the outcome with their own children and allow other families to do this in their own way and time. We know from experience that the students are best positioned to manage both success and disappointment when they receive the outcome from their own parents or carer, who know them best. We also understand the importance of providing each individual with high-quality feedback so they can improve for the future. We hope that the Chinese New Year break will allow for some reflection time, and would like to invite anyone who would like their child to gain one-to-one feedback to email Miss Hull at [email protected].
If you have any questions regarding the selection process for the U11 FOBISIA Games, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Kind regards,
Emily Hull
PE Teacher and Second in Department