EY2 Full Day Resumption Letter

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to be welcoming the children back for full days as of Monday 24th May.

Please find our revised timetables below for each class. Please note the days when your child has P.E as they will need to come to school in their P.E kit. Please also note your child’s Forest School day as they will need to bring their forest shoes in on this day. The children will also need to bring their hat and water bottle every day, as well as their Reading Folder and Diary on their Reading days.


If your child will be having a packed lunch, they will need to bring their lunch into school in the morning at 8:25am and it will be stored in an air-conditioned room. Packed lunches cannot be dropped off at school after 8:25am.






The school gates will open at 8:15am and the classroom doors will open at 8:25am. We will check the children’s temperature card at the door each morning, so please ensure this is recorded before coming to school each day.

Spelling and Manga High homework will continue as normal. We kindly ask the children to bring their red Spelling Homework books into school on Monday so that they can stick their spellings in. They will then bring their books home on Mondays and will be quizzed on their words on Fridays, in school. If they have finished their Spelling book, the children will bring their spelling words home stuck onto handwriting paper instead for the remainder of the term.

If you have any queries about anything, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. We can’t wait to welcome the children for full days from next week.

Kind regards,

The EY2 Team