EY2 – Welcome to Term 2

Dear EY2 Families,

Welcome to Term 2! We hope you all had a relaxing break and wish you all a happy new year! This letter contains some information about the upcoming term.


Homework will begin again this week. Home reading books and Numbots online optional homework will continue as in Term 1. 

Spelling Homework Optional Extra Challenge

Spelling homework will also continue as in Term 1. The children will continue to bring a list of words home each Monday and are asked to practise their words in two different ways. This is due on Thursdays. As always, please feel free to add challenge words to your child’s spelling list. These words could be identified by your child themselves, through their reading.

As an optional extra challenge in Term 2, the children can also write a Super Sentence into their spelling homework book, using one of the words from their spelling list. If your child would like to do this extra challenge, please ask them to write their Super Sentence into their homework book. Your child’s class teacher will then give them a target each week to help them further improve. These targets will link to our class Writing Secrets (writing skills that we learn in class).

Term 2 Learning

This term we will be starting a new Discovery unit called ‘Live and Let Live’, which has a Science and Geography focus.

In Maths, we will be covering the following areas of learning:

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Measurement – Capacity and Mass
  • Time
  • Fractions
  • Money

In Writing, the children will continue to write about areas of interest. We will focus on applying the growing range of ‘Writing Secret’ skills that have been taught so far. The children will also learn to further proofread their writing to identify errors and also highlight ways that they can up-level their sentences.

Pick Up Cards

A reminder that we are starting our pick up card system from Tuesday 4th January. We kindly ask that the adult collecting your child at the end of the day has one of your pick up cards to show your child’s class teacher. If a pick up card is not presented, the adult will be required to sign your child out at the office. Please also inform your child’s class teacher if the adult collecting your child is not one of your three ‘regular’ allocated adults. Please see the Hub letter for further details.

If you have any queries about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. 

Kind Regards,

The EY2 Team