FS-1 and FS-2 Water Fun Day

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Our EYFS Water Fun Day will take place on Friday 7th June during regular school hours. The purpose of this event is to support enjoyment and confidence in and around water from a young age, as well as, explore water challenges that will develop the children’s critical thinking, creative problem-solving and collaboration skills. On the day, paddling pools will be filled with water in the playground, and to add to the fun, we will have shaving foam and bubbles set up in water trays. An area will also be set aside for children who would like quieter play with water and bubbles. 

Date: Friday 7th June

Time: Regular school hours

What to wear: Swimming costume (no bikinis please) under PE uniform. We recommend shorts and a rash top for all children so they can access the bathroom more easily.

What to bring: Named plastic bag with a towel, flip-flops and spare underwear.

We kindly request that your child comes to school wearing swimwear under their school uniform and brings a named plastic bag containing flip-flops or Crocs, a change of underwear and a towel to dry off after the water fun has finished. Please label all your child’s belongings, as we will be encouraging them to independently manage undressing and dressing and hope to avoid any mix-ups!

Although the play area is covered, we suggest applying sunblock and insect repellant before leaving home to ensure the children’s health and safety. If you wish, you may send the sunblock and insect repellant in with your child so they can be helped to reapply it during the morning.

It will be a fun-filled morning, and we will keep our fingers crossed for good weather. If there is light rain, the morning will go ahead – the more water, the more fun!

Kind regards,

Emma Chambers