FS-1 Beach Trip

FS-1 Tai Pak Beach trip – Thursday, 30th November 

Dear Families, 

As part of FS-1’s ‘On the Move’ topic, we shall be visiting Tai Pak Beach in Discovery Bay on Thursday, 30th November. All three FS-1 classes will go together and we will ask each child to have an accompanying adult as part of this trip. (If it is not possible to provide adult support for your child for this trip, please contact your child’s class teacher so we can discuss alternative arrangements. Younger siblings are welcome if there are childcare concerns.)

The children will arrive at school at the normal time of 8.55am. Families will then be invited to have tea and coffee until 9.30am when we will leave school and walk to Tai Pak Beach together. 

All children are required to wear their full PE kit with trainers. While at the beach, there will be different activities set up for families to explore together. Please can we ask that families bring a small snack for themselves and their child. 

We will return to school before 11.30am. 

Children will bring home a letter with this information and we ask that the reply slip at the bottom is returned to us by Friday 24th November. 

Best wishes, 

FS-1 Team