FS-1 Maths Stay and Play sessions

Dear Families,

On Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th November, FS-1 will have Stay and Play sessions that have a Maths focus. (Group 1 families will come on Tuesday, while Group 2 families will come on Thursday.)

The sessions will run from 9am – 9.40am and will start with a parent information session upstairs in the Foundation Stage hall. Families will then go downstairs to their child’s classroom, where they will engage in the learning environment alongside their child.

These Stay and Play experiences will be a chance for families to see how the children are building on their subitising skills and how they develop the way in which they ‘notice, describe and explain’ the amounts that they see. We will support families to understand how the children can use Mathematics purposefully to organise the way in which they explore and organise the world around them.

Please see the groups below.

Stay and play groups

We look forward to sharing our learning with you.

Best wishes,

FS-1 Team