FS – 1 Reminders

Dear Families,


Our whole-school photograph has been rescheduled to Monday 16th October. Please drop your children off at the Main campus at 8.50am that day. Upon arrival, please take your child to the undercover area between the Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms. The EYFS teachers will be there to greet them and collect their bag, water bottle, lunch box etc. from you. A bus will be arranged to take the children to the EYFS campus after the photo has been taken.

Please ensure that your child has their full school uniform on (No PE kits that day please.)


Thank you to everyone who has shared a family photograph. If you have not had a chance to do so yet, please send a family photograph via the messaging service on Seesaw or to [email protected].


On Friday 20th October, we have our PJ day at school. Children can come to school wearing their pyjamas, and families are invited to come in between 8.55am and 9.15am for some special story times.


Thank you for all of your continued support.


Best wishes,

FS-1 team