FS-1 Challenges on Seesaw

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

You will soon notice that the children will have Seesaw posts uploaded (roughly once a fortnight) that will be categorised in a ‘Class Pet Challenges’ folder. Class Pet Challenges for FS-1 involve the children completing a task set by their ‘class pet’. Initially, these tasks will be supported by an adult, and as the year progresses, we will build upon the children’s independence in completing these tasks. They will often be very open ended and will require the children to explore different resources available in the different environments. The activities will be linked to different aspects of the children’s development, including the Characteristics of Effective Learning, skills, and the curriculum according to the children’s strengths and personal targets for development.  

The Seesaw posts will simply be photographs; however, each week, the class pet challenge information will be shared on the class noticeboard (outside each classroom), and we encourage you to look at the challenge photographs with your children, asking them how they completed these. 

Best wishes, 

FS-1 team