Home Learning in Year 5

Dear Parents,

We hope your children have enjoyed settling into their new classroom communities and are feeling ready for the year of learning ahead.

To support our students achieve their best, ‘Home Learning’ is assigned in the Primary School each week. This encompasses a variety of activities to support student learning, foster self-management skills and promote a partnership between home and school.

In Year 5, home learning will be assigned each Friday. The children will have a week to complete their activities and should return their books the following Friday for a class-sharing session with their peers.

Weekly Home Learning Activities in Year 5:

  1. Reading

In Year 5, are encouraged to read widely and for pleasure. Children will choose books from the library to support their reading for pleasure each week. They have the option of choosing up to three books a week. Teachers work alongside their class during the library session to help them diversify their reading choices by making recommendations. Children can record each 20-minute reading session in their diary to collect “iRead” points as part of our reading reward scheme.

  1. Personal Inquiry (estimate 1 hour across the week)

The children will answer an open-ended question, related to the week’s learning, in any way they choose. This will offer opportunities for creativity and personal interests to develop. Examples will be provided inside the personal inquiry book to guide the children. The children will return their books on Fridays and share their learning with their peers and teachers.

  1. Seesaw Reflection (estimate 15 mins across the week)

To help support your child’s in-school learning, parents can check completed activities on Seesaw. This will highlight areas to celebrate and areas for development. Teachers will comment upon activities on Seesaw to help guide any discussions you may wish to have with your child. Please also feel free to comment on posts to celebrate what your child has accomplished. 

Optional additional tasks

  1. Spelling (estimate 20 mins across the week)

Children will be provided with a list of words that follow the spelling pattern under study in school. They may choose to practise these online using the ‘Spelling Shed’ website

  1. Times tables (estimate 20 mins across the week)

We use the website ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to help practise rapid recall of multiplication and division facts. The programme adapts to the children’s level and celebrates personal progress. 

While home learning is valued, it should not prevent students from taking part in the wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs and organisations that play an important part in the balanced lives of our students. 

If you have any questions or concerns about home learning, please contact your child’s teacher so we may work together to support your child’s success.

The Year 5 Team.