Lost and Found

Dear Year 1 – 6 Families

As the first part of Term 2 draws to a close, please can I ask that you do a full check of your child’s uniform. A number of children have misplaced garments such as DBIS jumpers, hoodies and jackets and these have not been located in the lost and found cupboard in the Year 1 & 2 covered area, therefore have potentially found their way to the wrong owners. Should your child have brought a uniform item home that doesn’t belong to them by mistake, please kindly arrange for this to be returned to the lost and found cupboard when they return to school.

As we are likely to experience cooler weather when school resumes after the break, we will be reminding children to take care of their personal belongings and advise them to leave any jumpers or coats in their classrooms or lockers if they wish to remove them. We will also be reminding the children that items should only be taken from the lost and found cupboard if they belong to them.

Thank you for supporting these messages with your children at home.

Best wishes

Hannah Tait

Head of EYFS & Primary