Mandarin HSK exam preparation ECA

Dear students and parents of Year 7/8/9,

Due to the school closure, our Secondary Mandarin HSK2/3 ECAs will be affected for a long time. We already have some students from Year 7/8/9 signed up for the ECAs (only started in term2 every Tuesday lunchtime in DC2-1/DC2-2), but we still welcome more students to join the ECAs after school re-opens. The actual exam will be happening in May 2020 in DBIS if it won’t be affected by the current situation. Students can choose to sit in either HSK Level 2 or HSK Level 3. World recognized Mandarin language qualification certificate will be issued to them if they passed the exam with 60%. Please also note the exam registration will be open to all year 8 and year 9 non-native Mandarin learners in DBIS, but year 7 non-native students are also welcome to join the ECA first and do the exam in year 8 so they would be well prepared.

Please also note that there will be a mock exam at lunchtime or after school once the school reopens.  We will try our best to support your children by running HSK ECAs, however, due to the limit of the learning time this year, only those who could pass or who are very close to passing the mock test would be allowed to sit the exam this year.

Detailed information about the qualifications here:
HSK Level 2
HSK Level3

We’ve provided students with the vocabulary study sets on Education Perfect and encourage them to practice during the school closure. Students need to log in to your Education Perfect, click Chinese – Browse all content – HSK/YCT, then choose the level you need to practice.

If you have any questions please free to contact me through email: [email protected]

Kind regards,

Ms Qin Cai

Head of Chinese