Dear Parents,
Last week we rounded off the 2020/21 Duke Awards having awarded nearly 200 students their Mini & Junior Duke Award. It has been a long journey for the students who have upskilled themselves in several areas in order to complete their Duke award. It is a wonderful accomplishment and I’m pleased to share that this life skills journey continues this year. This year we are also proud to open up the award to our Reception children in the form of the Micro-Duke!
If you haven’t already, and would like to, please sign-up now via the school’s CHQ site, HERE.
The sign-up deadline is Friday 17th September and the children will receive their journals after the October half-term break. Being an external award, this is a paid activity. The $180 payment can be made to the front office.
This year’s Duke award will follow last year’s format, with the challenges being completed at home and the journals assessed in school (every Monday, as and when your child has challenges ready to assess).
Once signed up, your child will be added to the Duke Seesaw classroom.
We hope to see as many of you as possible joining us once again on this valuable young person’s life skills award.
If you require more information please read the Duke Information slides HERE.
Jonny Haines & The Duke Team