Nursery & Reception Hot Lunch Deliveries

Dear Nursery and Reception Parents,

I am writing to inform you that from Monday 6th February you will be able to deliver a hot lunch for your child prior to lunchtime should you wish.

There will be two containers located outside the ground floor lift. Please ensure your child’s lunch box is clearly labelled with their name and class so we can ensure it reaches them efficiently. Please note, you will be asked to place the lunch in the containers provided and there will not be an option to hand the lunch directly to your child as they will be engaged with their learning.

Hot lunches must be dropped off according to the following times:

Nursery: 11 – 11.15am

Reception: 11.30 – 11.45am

Hot lunches must be delivered during the time slots above as late delivery is likely to unsettle your child.

The lunch delivery only applies to those wishing to drop off a hot lunch. You are most welcome to continue with the current arrangements of placing your child’s lunchbox in their class box at the start of the day, and we will continue to store these safely ready for them to enjoy at lunchtime.

If you have any questions regarding arrangements for hot lunches, please contact Miss Angel using [email protected]

Best wishes,

Hannah Tait

Head of Early Years