Sixth Form Term 3 Bulletin

Dear Parents/Guardians,


We hope this bulletin finds you well as we embark on an exciting new term at DBIS. Term 2 was filled with remarkable achievements and memorable experiences, and we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the successes that our students accomplished. 

Here are some of the highlights from Term 2!

Our BTEC Travel and Tourism students in Years 12 and 13 had a fantastic opportunity to visit the renowned Shangri-La hotel, where they gained valuable insights into the hospitality industry. Additionally, they organised the  Mario Kart House event, which showcased their creativity, teamwork and organisational abilities. Well done to all those involved!

Our Sixth Form students also made a significant impact during the Term 2 International Food Fair. It was lovely to see so many of them getting involved with the organisation and delivery of the event. A few weeks later, the Sixth Form were involved in our Secondary Sports Day.  Their active participation and sportsmanship during the event was noted, and they were fantastic role models for the rest of the school. 

We are delighted to announce that our Year 13 students continue to receive offers from prestigious universities around the world. Their hard work, dedication and academic achievements have been recognised, and we are immensely proud of their accomplishments. We wish them the best of luck as they embark on this exciting new chapter very soon!

As our Year 13 students prepare for graduation, we are working diligently to ensure a memorable and meaningful event to celebrate their journey at DBIS. Graduation is a significant milestone, and we are excited to recognise the achievements and growth of our graduating class of 2024! An email will follow shortly regarding the timing and location of our graduation ceremony. 

Term 3 will largely be dominated by the A Level examinations across both year groups. Mr Reid will be sharing further details about the examinations shortly. Please refer to the key dates below for further details. 

As we embark on Term 3, may I remind you that Year 12 students will be returning to school on Monday 27th May to continue their A2 (Year 13) studies before we break up for the summer holidays on Friday 28th June. Please do not book holidays outside of term time as this will have a detrimental impact on your child’s studies. 

Key dates 

Friday 26th April – Celebratory BBQ for student leadership team

Monday 6th May – Year 12 study leave begins

Monday 13th May – Year 13 study leave begins

Monday 27th May – Year 12 return to school

Monday 17th June – Year 11 into Year 12 induction day. Y12 student leadership will be involved. 

Thursday 20th June – Year 12 target report published

Wishing everyone a successful and fulfilling Term 3!

Rebecca Boddington and Nicholas Moore