Welcome to Term 2 in Year 3

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back! We hope you and your children had a wonderful and restful break together after an action-packed Term 1 learning about Significant People.

We are now embarking on Term 2, which looks set to be equally productive and fun-filled as the last term.

In Discovery this term, the children will be addressing the question, ‘How did ancient civilisations develop?’ We will be exploring Ancient Egypt, Greece and China to determine how their people’s ways of life developed. In line with this, in English, we will be studying the texts Cinderella of the Nile, Theseus and the Minotaur as well as a range of non-fiction texts to support our learning.

For further details regarding the Mighty Civilisations Discovery unit as well as an overview of the whole curriculum for this year, please see the Curriculum Handbook and Transition Booklet linked below:
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) Curriculum Handbook
Year 3 Transition Booklet

Home learning:
With regard to homework, we will be continuing with our regular system and
schedule of:

  • All homework assigned in blue home learning books on a Friday, to be completed for the following Friday. Spellings to practise can be found in the blue book and are also assigned on Spelling Shed.
  • To support the rapid recall of the 3,4 and 8 times tables children can also use the Times Table Rock Stars website using their school login details.
  • Reading each night. Children are to record the title of their book and the pages that they read in their diaries on a daily basis. Please can you, as parents, sign this too.

Year 3 excursion – Tai O
To support our learning, Year 3 will visit the traditional settlement of Tai O to explore the stilted houses, traditional lifestyles and learn from local residents about how their geography has shaped their lives.

3AR and 3KT trip to Tai O: Tuesday January 30th.
3BW and 3EJ trip to Tai O: Thursday February 1st.

Other Key Dates
Please find linked the Key Dates for Year 3 and do continue to check the DBIS key dates here: hub

Thank you for continuing to engage with your child’s learning; we look forward to a fantastic term full of learning for Year 3. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Best wishes for 2024,

The Year 3 Team