Welcome to Term 3 in Year 3

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back! We are thrilled to be able to welcome the children to embark upon the final term of the academic year. We hope you and your family had a wonderful and restful Easter break and are ready for an action-packed Term 3 learning about our ‘Active Planet’.

In Discovery this term, the children will be addressing the question, ‘How does our Earth change over time?’. In line with this, in English, we will be looking at explanation texts, emotional narrative stories and persuasive holiday brochures for beautiful landforms of the world. The children will read A Pebble in My Pocket by Meredith Hooper, I survived the Destruction of Pompeii by Lauren Tarshis and The Flood by Vila F. Alvara

For further details regarding the ‘Active Planet’ Discovery unit as well as an overview of the whole curriculum for this year, please see the Curriculum Handbook and Transition Booklet linked here:

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) Curriculum Handbook

Year 3 Transition Booklet

This overview provides a summary of what your child will be learning this term.

The Learning for Life curriculum, which focuses on promoting the health and wellbeing of our pupils, has been taught throughout the academic year. During Term 3, we will be teaching the Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) element. Specific information about this will be shared in a separate Hub bulletin.

Please ensure you continue to discuss your child’s learning with them. Some of their work is recorded within their Seesaw, and this can be a great starting point for discussion.

With regard to homework, we will be continuing with our regular system and schedule of:

– All homework is added to the Blue Home Learning books on a Friday, to be completed for the following Friday. This consists of a task related to either Discovery, English or Maths.
-15 minutes/week Multiplication tables practise (using TT Rockstars if helpful to your child)
-15 minutes/week of Spelling practice (using Spelling Shed if helpful to your child)
-Reading each night. Children are to record the title of their book and the pages that they read in their diaries on a daily basis. Please can you, as parents, sign this.

Year 3 Celebration of Learning – Thursday 20th June

On 20th June, we will have our final Celebration of Learning and Moving on Up Morning in the Year 3 classrooms. This will showcase the children’s learning and understanding from Term 3, especially related to our ‘Active Planet’ Discovery Unit. Please find here other Key Dates for Year 3.

Term 1 for next academic year (2024–25) will commence on Monday 19th August 2024. Both Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th of August will be half days, with the children going home at 12pm for Parent–Teacher conferences to take place.

Thank you for continuing to engage with your child’s learning; they have so much to celebrate from the year so far. We look forward to another fantastic term full of learning for Year 3. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Best wishes,

The Year 3 Team