Y11 A Level/BTEC L3 Options Evening and Mock Examination Timetable Notification

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this email finds you well. We would like to invite you to our upcoming A Level/BTEC Level 3 Options Evening on Tuesday 7th November, shortly after our return from Week Without Walls. This is an informative event where we will provide detailed insights into the various subject options available for your child’s A Level studies, as well as guidance on making informed decisions regarding their academic pathways. The evening will consist of a short introductory presentation from me, followed by interactive discussions with subject specialists. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions to ensure that you and your child have a comprehensive understanding of the available options prior to making your final commitments.

The evening will run from 6pm to 8pm. This is the first occasion in several years that we have had the opportunity to connect entirely in person for this. Please be encouraged to attend alongside your son/daughter.

Format of the evening/arrangements:

  • 6pm – 6.15pm: Parent and student introduction in the Globe
  • 6.15pm – 8pm: Parents and students connect with subject specialists and, where possible, student representatives 

Important Note:

The A Level/BTEC L3 Options Booklet, Version B, will be released on Monday 6th November 2023 and will detail the final options blocks from which to choose. Please ensure that you and your child have reviewed the information carefully, including the associated entry requirements in order to maximise your time with subject specialists on the evening of Tuesday 7th November.

As we approach an important phase in our Year 11 students’ academic journey, I would also like to take this opportunity to share the mock exam timetable and request your support in helping our students prepare effectively during the upcoming mid-term break.

The mock exam timetable for the Year 11s is attached below.

Year 11 Mock Examination Timetable November 2023-24.

Please encourage your son/daughter to familiarise themselves with the associated Examination Rules and Procedures Document so that they understand the expectations and are assured in the process.

This period can be stressful for the students. We would therefore urge them to consider the balance of their study commitments over the break. 

Frequent, focused and directed revision will promote better study habits and alleviate pressures closer to the examinations. Again, we would suggest that the students take advantage of the ‘Self-management and Wellbeing Strategies during the Examinations‘ brief HERE. 

We greatly appreciate your involvement in your child’s education and value your partnership in creating a conducive learning environment. Together, we can help our Year 11 students excel in their mock exams and achieve their academic goals.

Thank you for your continued support.


Best regards

Amrith Prabhu