Y12 and Y13 Mock Examination arrangements

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had an enjoyable Lunar New Year break. As the Year 12 and Year 13 mock examinations are fast approaching, we wanted to communicate some key information to you regarding the examination arrangements for next week.
As communicated in our bulletin last month, the Year 12/13 mock examinations will take place between Monday 26th February and Thursday 29th February. Students have received their timetables, and all examinations will take place at the Sixth Form Campus.
Students will be on study leave from Monday 26th February to Wednesday 28th February. All students will be expected in classes on Thursday 29th February, with the exception of those taking examinations in Geography and Art/Design. Those students studying BTEC qualifications need to speak to Mrs Boddington about their study leave arrangements before Friday 23rd February.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Boddington and Mr Moore