Y3 Parent Overview T1 2019-20

Dear Parents,


Please find the Year 3 Parent Overview for Term 1.


We hope you enjoy reading about the exciting learning opportunities your children will experience during this Term.


Best wishes,


Anna Lees


Anna Lees

Deputy Head of Primary

Discovery Bay International School

Discovery Bay, Hong Kong          

Tel: (852) 2987 7331


Year 3 Term 1
Music Students in Year 3 will start the year embarking on an exciting new journey of playing the recorder. We will be building on the students’ knowledge of patterns and basic notation from last year. They will further explore notation; reading and composing rhythms as well as developing a sense of playing ‘by ear’ through a variety of different pieces over the term. We will be using the ‘Recorder Karate’ series as a guide.
Mandarin AIM Story “ Where is my dog?” 

Students will continue to work on the AIM Stories in Action, “Where Is My Dog?” play, using drama with individual gestures to learn Mandarin vocabulary and structures to enable them to prepare and perform the play in Mandarin.

PE Year 3 begin with striking and fielding games. Students will explore different striking and fielding techniques using a variety of equipment. 

In dance, they will work in groups to create dance choreography. They will explore, actions, dynamics, space and relationships by completing a variety of challenges to music. 

Later in the term, students will be continuing to develop their swimming and water skills. Towards the end of the term, they will develop their strength and flexibility through gymnastics activities. 

Students will complete an Invasion Game unit of work on the courts. They will learn the concepts of pass and move, control, space, width, and attack and defence. We will teach these concepts through a variety of different sports such as netball, football and hockey, using a combination of drills, practices, modified and small sided games. 

Learning Technology Picture Perfect Programmers

In this unit of learning, students will develop their computational thinking skills, through the conceptual lens of patterns. This will enable them to understand how pattern recognition is such an important part of computer programming. They will learn that patterns exist in many programs and that the use of the repeat command can make their programs more efficient.

English Within our exciting English curriculum, we will be using Pie Corbett’s ‘Talk for Writing’ approach to learn about the following genres and themes: narratives, non-chronological reports and persuasive letters.

Finally, we will wrap up Term 1 by looking at a variety of poetry as well as write our own environmentally themed poem based on ‘Names’ by Brian Moses.

Maths Number

Students will continue with a mastery approach to Maths, developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We will be consolidating our knowledge of place value and the four operations. We will also use  the ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ app to improve our speed and accuracy in the 2, 3, 4,5, 8 and 10 Times Tables. 

Discovery Learning to Learn

In Year 3, students have access to individual chromebooks. They will learn how these can be used to  effectively support their learning in different ways. In this first Discovery unit, students will explore how their attitude can best support their learning and the importance of being the best classmate they can be. We will be building on the great work they did in Year 2 about developing a growth mindset, and the importance of learning from mistakes.

Significant People: How Did They Change the World?

In this unit, we will learn what it means to be significant and how this can impact society and change. Key questions we will explore include: How does someone become significant? How do their qualities and actions determine the effect they can have? How does their place in time and history determine the impact they can have on the world? We will take a journey into the lives and times of significant people and explore how they changed the world through their actions and beliefs.

Saving the World

In this unit, we will learn how people use natural resources and the consequences of the ways in which humans use natural resources. We will explore the sustainability of natural resources and discuss ways in which we can protect the planet for future generations. 

Learning for Life The Personal Goals that will be discussed this term are:

  • Belonging at DBIS
  • Morality
  • Communication
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Enquiry
  • Cooperation
  • Resilience 

The Personal Goals are discussed in detail during our Learning for Life lessons. These lessons take place on a rotation and include a Learning for Life Assembly, Circle Time activities and online Google Classroom activities.

The Personal Goals refer to the individual qualities and dispositions that we as a school feel are essential for DBIS students. The language of the Personal Goals are shared widely with the students and permeate through all aspects of learning.

Key Dates for the Term
  • Wednesday 14th August  – New students visit DBIS.
  • Thursday 15th August  – Start of Term 1: all students in school.
  • Monday 19th August – Meet the Teacher Meetings 
  • Week Beginning 26th August – Optional Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Monday 30 September – Walking School Bus and Wear Green to School Day
  • Tuesday 1 October – Public Holiday
  • Tuesday 22nd October – Year 3 International Sports Afternoon
  • Thursday 24th October – Year 3 Swim Gala
  • Friday 1st November – CPD Day
  • Week Beginning 5th November – Box of Hope Collection 
  • Friday 29th November – Term 1 reports released to parents
  • Week Beginning 2nd December – Parent Teacher Conferences 
  • Wednesday 11th December – Year 3 Open Morning
  • Thursday 12th December – Carols On The Pitch
  • Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Dress Up Day
Discovery Days / Weeks This year the students will continue to experience Discovery Weeks. The focus of the first Discovery Week is Sustainability. The students will get to study these concepts and work on small projects looking at areas of interest and connections they have within subject areas. 

Monday 30th September – Global Options Day

Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October Sustainability Week