Year 11 Mock Examinations (Monday 8th March – Friday 19th March)

Dear Parents,


The Year 11 student cohort have received their individual timetables for the forthcoming Mock Examinations. The Mock Examination overview can be accessed HERE once more, for your reference.

Each student is also able to access key examination conduct stipulations and guidance to support positive and healthy habits during this period. Please encourage your child to take a few moments to read and reflect on these.

These examinations play a significant role in helping to shape our judgement of the students’ knowledge, skills and progress to date. They will also prove incredibly valuable as a means to support final grade awarding, for those subjects that will not follow a typical examination based route in the Summer. Therefore, your support in reiterating the need for rigorous preparation would be greatly appreciated.

Whilst we recognise that this can be a particularly stressful time for our students, it can also be a challenging time in the household as parents seek to support their children. Balancing these pressures and supporting our students and their families to successfully navigate this period is therefore crucial.

We have drafted some tips and guidance which you may find useful to support your child. A version of the article will also be available in the March issue of Expat Living, titled, ‘Support for Senior Students’ – so please do keep an eye out for it. The comprehensive DBIS version can be accessed HERE.

Many thanks once more for your support at this crucial time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any queries.


Kind regards,

Tom Lemon [email protected]

Marcus Treamer [email protected]