Year 3 – Relationships and Sexual Education

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Tuesday 23rd May, we will begin lessons covering the Year 3 Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) content as part of our Growing & Changing unit. The RSE curriculum is planned to cover age-appropriate objectives, based on the UK Personal Social Health Education Association and the UNESCO guidelines, which are supported by the Council of International Schools (CIS).

We will re-cap the learning from Year 2 about the ‘PANTS’ programme and use the following guiding questions to explore:
– What parts of my body are private? (Key vocabulary: penis, vagina, testicles, anus)
– What are body rights?
– What is considered safe and unsafe touch?
– Who are the trusted adults who can help me if I feel uncomfortable, worried or anxious?

Secondly, we will investigate different types of families around the world. The questions that will guide the learning are:
– What are the different kinds of families (including single parents, same-sex parents, step-parents, blended families, and foster parents);
– How do different families, of all types, give family members love, security and stability?

If you have any questions about these lessons or the content covered, please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher.

Kindest regards,
The Year 3 Team