Medical Room

EYFS Medical Room

Monday - Friday
08:00 – 15:30


Main Campus Medical Room

Monday - Friday
07:30 – 16:30

To ensure the safety of your child we have a set of procedures in place that must be adhered to should your child require us to administer medication during the school day.

If your child requires regular medication, the school requires you to provide authorisation to dispense the medicines.  You must complete the Prescribed Medicines Form online or visit the medical room to complete it with the Health and First Aid Coordinator.

Medications must be handed to the Health and First Aid Coordinator by a responsible adult (parent or helper).  No medications will be accepted from students.

Remaining medication will not be sent home with a student – a parent or carer will need to collect it from our medical room.

Prescribed Medicines Form

For administration of prescribed medicines at School.



The Hong Kong Department of Health visits the school annually and immunises Year 1 and Year 6 students free of charge for the following immunisations:

Year 1: MMRV Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella) – Second Dose
DTaP-IPV Vaccine – Booster Dose
Year 5: (Girls only) Human papillomavirus vaccine – First Dose
Year 6: dTap-IPV Vaccine – Booster Dose
(Girls only) Human papillomavirus vaccine – Second Dose

DBIS requires parents to provide the date of their child’s last tetanus immunisation.

Please bring our records up-to-date if your child has had a recent booster:

Student Medical Profile

This form should be completed by the parents of new students prior to their child joining DBIS. It is also very important that existing parents keep the medical team up-to-date with any changes in their child's medical conditions and emergency contacts.


Useful Documents and Links

HK Childhood Immunisation Programme

Information about the Immunisation Programme provided by the Department of Health.


HK Student Immunisation Recommendations

For all students, newly arrived in Hong Kong.


HK Student Immunisation Recommendations

For Year 2 to Year 6 students, who have moved to DBIS from another school.


Each year the Department of Health invites students to join the School Dental Service and the Student Health Service. This is not a DBIS initiative, but parents may wish to take advantage of this offer.

Students from Year 1 to Year 12 are eligible.

The deadline for application submission is mid-September each year.

Medical Room General Information:
Students should be kept at home if they have a tympanic (ear) temperature of 38.0°C or above. 

Students may return to school after the following:
–  They have been fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications;
–  Symptoms have improved or resolved;
–  They have been cleared by a physician for any specific illness, if necessary.
Please see our Medical Policy for more information.

Department of Health Guidelines

How to prevent communicable diseases.