Book donations for the DBIS International Food Fair Book Stall

The Library will once again run the highly popular book stall during the DBIS International Food Fair on Saturday 9th March. All proceeds benefit DBIS.
If you have any gently used books you would like to donate to the stall, please feel free to drop these into the Library by Monday 4th March. We accept:
  • children’s fiction and non-fiction
  • popular adult fiction and saleable non-fiction
  • books in languages other than English
  • intact educational games and puzzles in good condition
  • original CDs and DVDs
If you are able to sort and box books according to children's versus adults' fiction and non-fiction, it would help us immensely!
The Library is situation on the first floor of the Discovery Centre, above the primary school office, and is open to parents 8:00-8:25am and 3:15-4:15pm Monday to Friday.
Kind regards
Melanie Foti
School Librarian