Dress Your National Dress Day – Celebrating International Week!

Dear DBIS Secondary community,

I hope this message finds you well. The week following the International Food Fair, Monday 4th – Friday 8th March, will be International Week at DBIS. A variety of cultural activities will happen during tutor time that week.

On Friday 8th March, we encourage all students from Year 7 to Year 13 to dress in their national outfits, wear flag colours or bring something that represents their cultural heritage. It’s a chance for our students to proudly share their backgrounds and traditions with their peers, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

Please note that Dress Your National Dress Day is not a casual dress day. We kindly request that students come dressed in attire that reflects their cultural roots or in their correct uniform. 

Thank you for your continued partnership, and we look forward to seeing our students proudly represent their cultures on this special day.

Warm regards,

Ms Myra Mi 

Head of Chinese & Modern Foreign Languages