EY1 Term 1, Week 7

Friday 18th September

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a terrific first few days we’ve had in EY1. Thank you all for your continued support as we settle the children back into school life. 

Starting Monday (21st September) the EY1 children will begin their face to face specialists lessons. Your child will need to wear their PE uniform on the following days; 

EY1GC & EY1LB Wednesday and Thursday 
EY1EM & EY1AC Wednesday and Friday

Children are to wear their normal school uniform on the other days. 

On Wednesday 23rd September we will move to a full school day (8.30am – 3pm). From Wednesday your child will need to bring a packed lunch. Please note DBIS is a nut free school. 

In addition to a packed lunch please can your child also bring to school 2 x A4 folders which will be for your child’s reading diary and books, and their library books. 

Class timetables will be shared by your class teacher via the reading diary on Friday 25th September. From Monday 28th September we kindly ask that reading folders come to school each day. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. 

Kind regards, 

The EY1 Team