EY1 Transition Meeting for Reception Parents

Dear Parents

It is hard to believe that our Reception children will shortly be moving to EY1 and continuing their learning journey at the main campus. Whilst your children will remain very firmly part of our Early Years phase until they reach the end of EY2, we recognise that the transition from Reception to EY1 is still a very significant one, therefore I would like to invite you to an online parent meeting on Wednesday 9th June at 9:30am.

The meeting will be hosted by myself and Gina Clothier who is our Year Group Leader for EY1 and we will be sharing some key information regarding what you and your child can expect from life in EY1. In order for us to support you in getting the most out of this meeting, I would appreciate if you could complete the Jot form linked HERE to signal your intention to attend as well as noting down any questions you may have about your child’s transition to EY1; we will endeavour to answer these as part of the presentation.

We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible at the meeting and will be recording the session for those who are unable to attend the live version.

Best wishes

Hannah Cole

Head of Early Years