EY1 Updates for Next Half Term

Dear EY1 Families,

We hope you have a wonderful mid-term break. We are so proud of how all our EY1 children have settled into school life. Some key dates for your diary when we return are:

Diwali Celebrations – Monday 24th October https://hub.dbis.edu.hk/bulletin/diwali-celebrations-24th-october-22/

Halloween – Monday 31st October – Optional Dress Up for EY Students

Box of Hope – Monday 31st October – 4th November https://hub.dbis.edu.hk/bulletin/box-of-hope-2022-23/



Smart watches

Please can children refrain from using smart watches during the school day, particularly those with recording devices. If they have a ‘school mode’ can you please ensure this is activated during school hours, or that the watch is left with a teacher during the day and returned at 3.10pm. For further information, please find the link for our Acceptable Use Policy, which outlines the school’s policy on digital devices at school, here: Acceptable Use Policy

Seesaw Images 

In line with our school’s Digital Safeguarding Policy, we request that any Seesaw images shared to your child’s journal that contains other children in the class are not downloaded and then shared to any other social media platform (Facebook, Instagram etc).


Please note that there will be no swimming after half term. Normal PE lessons will resume from Monday 24th October.

Reading & Library Folders

Please be reminded that reading and library books need to come to school on your child’s allocated reading/library day. Without an A3 folder, children will not be able to take home new books. For your reference, class reading/library days are outlined below:

Cheetah Class – Wednesday

Snow Leopard Class – Thursday

Sea Otter Class – Wednesday

Tiger Class – Tuesday


We hope you all have a lovely mid-term break.

Kind regards,

The EY1 Team