EY1 – Welcome to Term 3

Dear EY1 Families,

Welcome to Term 3! We hope you all had a relaxing Spring break and the children feel refreshed and ready to return to school. This letter contains some information about the upcoming term.

Key Dates:

Please continue to check the DBIS calendar on the Hub for key dates. You can also reference the EY1 Key Dates document, which will be placed on each class’s Communication Board. EY1 Term 3 Dates

EY1 Families Volunteer Sign-up

Thank you to all the families who have come into class to read or share their passions, occupations and cultural celebrations. The Term 3 documents will be placed outside on your child’s Communication Board. For families unable to sign up in person who wish to do so, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher to express interest. EY1 Parent Volunteer Sign-up Term 3

Reading & Spelling

New reading books will come home with the children in Week 1 of Term 3. Please read these books over the week with your child, ideally 10 minutes a day, and return them to school on your allocated day. This a gentle reminder that if you do not return the reading diary and book each week, we are unable to provide your child with a new book.

All EY1 Common Exception words have been sent home over Terms 1 and 2. In week 1, you will find a challenge grid in your child’s purple spelling book. These are suggested activities and worksheets for your child to try at home and consolidate their learning. 

Term 3 Learning

This term, we will be exploring our final unit of Discovery: Healthy Humans. In this unit, children will learn about body systems and how our choices and lifestyle affect hygiene, health and wellbeing. 

Please take a look at our EY1 Curriculum booklet to learn more about our English, Mathematics and Science objectives here: 

2022–23 | DBIS Early Years Curriculum Handbook

2022–23 | DBIS Transition EY1


Please be aware that EY1 students will continue the swimming programme during Term 3. Further information regarding swimming with be shared by the PE department.

Essential items:

Students will need the following items once swimming commences. Please ensure that these are clearly labelled with your child’s name. 

  • DBIS rash vest with DBIS swim shorts (The DBIS swimming costume is also available; however, for ease of changing and use of the toilet, we advise the DBIS rash vest and swim shorts/navy bikini bottoms for all students)
  • DBIS swimming cap (house colours)
  • Adjustable goggles
  • Flip flops/crocs
  • A towel
  • A waterproof/plastic bag for wet things
  • Underwear and uniform (if wearing a swimming kit to school) – this applies to lessons before snack time only


Please ensure children bring the following items each day:

  • Named A3 plastic folders (for reading and library books) 
  • Named water bottle (please ensure no metal water bottles are brought to school) 
  • A small snack (in a container they can open independently, labelled with your child’s name and class)
  • Named lunch box (labelled with your child’s name and class – unless your child is eating at the cafeteria Lunch Enrolment ) 
  • Wellies and raincoat (labelled with your child’s name and class) 

Please ensure your child wears the appropriate and correct uniform to school daily. Details of this can be found on our school website. Hats must be brought to school every day as students must wear them during break and lunch; otherwise, they will be unable to play on the playground. Students with long hair are required to tie it back for health and safety reasons. Smartwatches and jewellery are not permitted.  

EY1 students wear the Main Campus uniform. Information can be found here: Compulsory uniform Primary.pdf

If you have any queries about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. 

Kind Regards,

The EY1 Team