Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am delighted to inform you that swimming lessons for Primary students will resume week beginning Monday 8th April and will run until the end of term on Friday 28th June. Students will need the following kit/equipment for swimming lessons:
- DBIS swimming costume/swimming trunks
- DBIS rash vest
- DBIS swimming cap (house colours)
- Goggles
- Towel
- Bag for wet clothes
- School uniform and underwear (if child is wearing swimming costume/shorts plus PE kit to school for a morning lesson)
We recommend that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name to avoid lost property. We do ask that all children have all of the required items that are listed above for every swimming lesson.
If your child is swimming in the morning, they may wish to come to school in their swimming kit with PE kit over it to save time and make changing easier. If your child has swimming in the afternoon, we recommend that they would be more comfortable in their PE kit and can change into swimwear at the start of the lesson. The children are encouraged and supported to look after their uniform and belongings in the changing room by keeping everything in their bag. Please note for a child to be excused from swimming they will need to provide a note explaining the reason for their non-participation. Students forgetting kit will be provided with clean kit to facilitate their participation. Please refer to the swimming timetable below for when your child will swim:
Lessons in the week allocated for swimming:
3KT 1Cheetahs 1Snow Leopards 3BW |
6HK 4FT 5SM 6DR 2Pangolins 4LB 2Pandas |
5TS 2White Rhinos 4KJ 6LP 3EJ |
5RE 2Kakapos 1Sea Otters 1Tigers
Students will be grouped according to their individual swimming ability and will be taught and assessed by one of our four qualified swimming teachers. It is important to note that ability groups vary from class to class. A group 1 swimmer in one class might be working to the same level as a group 2 or 3 swimmer in another class. Students are grouped with children of a similar ability so that they are in the best position to be able to progress. Less able swimmers are placed in the smallest group in the class so that they can access more support.
If your child is a swimming beginner or lacks confidence, please be reassured that as a team we have significant experience teaching swimmers of all levels, including complete beginners. We use a variety of buoyancy aids and floats as well as standing tables. As a team, we aim to work with the children in a sensitive and nurturing way to build confidence in the water. Please reassure any nervous children that we will look after them and they will have lots of fun!
Yours sincerely
 Jon Fudge
Head of PE and Sport
Discovery Bay International School
[email protected]