Reception Show – Nursery children invitation

Reception Show

15th March 2019

Dear Parents

We are delighted to let you know that the Nursery children have been invited by the Reception children to watch their show on Friday 29th March 2019. The performance will begin at 9:30am and to support us with this, we would like children to be dropped off at the Primary campus on this morning.

Buses will be provided to return children back to the Early Years campus after the show.



Location for drop off


Friday 29th March

Primary-Year 1 covered area.


  The children who come to school on the Tung Chung bus will be dropped at Primary and supervised by Nursery teachers. 

On this day may we ask that children’s lunch boxes and school bags be dropped off at the Early Years campus after morning drop off at Primary. Please make sure that children keep their water bottles with them.

It is going to be a wonderful experience to watch our Reception peers perform. If you have any questions regarding the organisation of this day, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Kind regards

The Nursery Team