Whole-School Photo – Monday 9th October

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This year’s whole-school photo will take place on Monday 9th October. The photo will be taken in the morning at the Main campus.

FS-1 and FS-2 Families:

Please drop your children off at the Main campus at 8.50am that day. Upon arrival, please take your child to the undercover area between the Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms. The EYFS teachers will be there to greet them and collect their bag, water bottle, lunch box etc. from you. A bus will be arranged to take the children to the EYFS campus after the photo has been taken.

Sixth Form Students:

Sixth Form students should attend tutor time as normal at the North Plaza campus and then use the inter-campus school bus to travel to the Main campus for the photo.


Students should wear full, formal school uniform with all-black shoes for the photo. If your child has PE/an ECA that requires them to wear PE kit that day, please ensure they also have a formal school uniform and black shoes with them to wear for the photograph.


Best wishes,

School Office

Discovery Bay International School