Y1 – Y3 Home Readers

Dear DBIS Families, 

Currently, we send home class reading books each week with the students, and these books correspond with their book banded levels. 

When students reach the brown book banded level, they are secure and fluent readers and are ready to read longer chapter books at home. Therefore, we will no longer send home weekly class readers when students reach this level. Instead, we will focus on their library book selection, ensuring they are choosing challenging yet accessible and inspiring books. 

Recent research shows us that a key factor that influences students’ motivation and engagement in reading is the degree of choice and autonomy they have over their learning. Therefore, giving students more choice over their book choices at this level is imperative in fostering a love of reading. The teachers and the library team will continue to help guide the students with their book choices. 

A reminder that you can visit our school library with your child before school from 8 am until 8.20 am, and after school between 3.20 pm and 4 pm. Your child must be accompanied by an adult during these times. 

Our expectation remains that students read for at least 15 minutes each day, and students will still fill in their reading diaries. In Key Stage 2, these reading diary entries will count towards their iRead points. These will still be checked every week to celebrate the children’s achievements. We will also have book recommendations discussed each week to allow the students to share the books that they have loved, as well as inspire others with their choices. 

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you would like to discuss any aspect of the home reading programme. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards, 

Bryony Wilson and Georgina Clothier

English Curriculum Leaders