Dear Year 4 Families,

As the Year 4 Camp fast approaches, please find some final information and reminders below.


20.2.24 – Departing DBIS at 8.30am

Year 4 classrooms will be open from 8.15am. Please ensure your child has dropped their bag at the drop-off point and arrived at their class by this time. A drop-off point for each class will be set up just inside the school gates. They will be clearly signposted with additional adults there to guide you.

22.2.24 – Returning to DBIS at 4.30pm (approx.)

The returning bus from Breakthrough Village will leave at 3.30pm. With traffic taken into consideration, we predict to be at DBIS by 4.30pm but will inform Class Parents of an updated ETA if it is different to what is anticipated. The children will be very excited to see you after their adventures, so please try and be there for their arrival.

23.2.24 – 10.30am Start at DBIS

As the students will have had a very busy few days (and potentially not a lot of sleep!), the children’s school day will start after break time on Friday 23rd February at 10.30am.


Lunch on Day 1: The students must bring their own lunch on Day 1. Please ensure this is packed within their day bag on the morning of Tuesday 20th February, along with a bottle of water. Each group’s team leader will have snacks for that day. Every meal from then on will be provided by The Hutong.

Pre-Pack for 3 Activities: Please could you pre-pack and label 3 separate bags for the 3 separate camp activities. Having each of these activities pre-packed and labelled will help the students independently pack their day bag each day and save a huge amount of time. The packing requirements for each activity can be found on the slides linked in the ‘Additional Information’ section. Please note the ‘Farm to Table’ packing requirements will be exactly the same as the ‘Hike Through History’ packing list, minus the head torch.

1 Main Bag: Please ensure that your child’s main luggage bag can be carried/wheeled by them independently, so please pack with this in mind.

No Electronics: Several students have expressed that they intend to bring electronic items such as phones, iPads, smart watches and cameras.  please ensure that none of these are packed for this camp as they pose a huge safeguarding issue. Any items like these brought on camp will be looked after by the staff and handed back to parents when we return to DBIS.

Emergency Contact

In case of family emergency: On the extremely rare occasion that a family needs to contact their child whilst on camp, a member of staff will have a DBIS phone with them at all times. The contact details for this phone are:

(+852) 4679 3301

This number is only to be called in extreme cases.

Medical Information:

A reminder to please fill out the medical and dietary requirements form for your child as soon as possible. This form is really important for The Hutong as it helps them gauge things such as the types of food it can provide the students for their meals.

Click here to complete the jotform.

Additional Information:

Camp Presentation: If you wish to look through the presentation slides again, they can be found here.

Activity Groups and Rooms: The children will find out who is in their activity group and who their roommates will be on the day of the camp. Please assure your child that we have spent a great deal of time ensuring that the children will be happy with their groups so that they will have a truly memorable camp.

We are very much looking forward to an action-packed, fun-filled week with the students.

Kind Regards

The Year 4 Team