Year 11 – Term 3 – Important Dates and Reminders

Dear Year 11 Parents and Guardians,

I hope this bulletin finds you all in good health. As we embark on Term 3 of the academic year, I would like to bring to your attention some important dates and updates for your reference, in chronological order:

  1. Unifrog University Fair: Scheduled for April 24th from 6pm to 8.30pm HK time. Students can engage with prestigious universities such as The University of Edinburgh, Johns Hopkins University, Loughborough University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Imperial College London. Please refer to the Asia Uni Fair – student poster for all essential details. Students can sign up and access the detailed agenda through this link. If students have upcoming exams around the same time, I  encourage parents to use their own emails to register and join the university fair instead.
  2. Parent Information Session: Our career guidance counsellor, Ms Cecilia Lau, will host a parent information session on Tuesday 30th April from 6pm to 7 pm at our Sixth Form Campus. The session aims to provide valuable insights on how parents can support their children while applying to universities worldwide. It could be an excellent opportunity for you to start planning. Details regarding this session have been included in the parent bulletin (link here) since last Friday.
  3. Assembly: On Friday 3rd May, Year 11 students will have a final semi-formal assembly to celebrate their journey thus far. The Secondary Leadership Team will join them in marking the end of this significant phase in their lives and offering heartfelt wishes for success in their upcoming exams. While the assembly is for students only, a live feed will be provided for families to share in this special moment.
  4. Study Leave Period: Starting Friday 3rd May, Year 11 students will be granted study leave in preparation for their (I)GCSE examinations. During this period, students will have the opportunity to focus solely on their revision and exam preparation at home. I kindly request your support in creating a conducive environment for your child’s study routine.

We strongly emphasise the significance of utilising the study leave effectively to ensure the best possible outcome in the exams. Please encourage your child to maintain a healthy study routine, take breaks when needed and seek assistance from their subject teachers when required. Teachers will be available for consultation and support during the study leave period, so please encourage your child to reach out via email to their subject teachers a day before if they have any questions or need clarification in person.


  1. Call Back Day is scheduled on Monday 17th of June. On this day, you will receive important information regarding the (I)GCSE results procedure from Adam Reid. Additionally, Rebecca Boddington, the Head of Sixth Form, and Nick Moore, the Assistant Head of Sixth Form, will provide detailed information on the transition process for those moving into the Sixth Form, including important dates for transition tests, transition packages and more.

I appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s educational journey. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. I wish all our Year 11 students the best of luck in their upcoming exams.


Best regards,

Amrith Prabhu

Head of Year 11