Year 8 Green Bird Hike – Wednesday 28th February

Dear Parent/Guardians,

As part of the Green Bird Award, which all Year 8 students are currently undertaking, there is an expedition component to complete. This component will be completed during school hours on Wednesday 28th February, when the year group will hike from Discovery Bay to Mui Wo. 

There will be two route options:

  1. The Nim Shue Wan/Trappist Monastery route (approximately 7km)
  2. The more physically challenging Tiger’s Head route (approximately 9km)

As I will be explaining to students in assembly next week, to qualify for the more challenging Tiger’s Head route, they must have already successfully walked the route before. I will also stress to the students that due to the physical demands of this route, their parents will need to verify that they have completed the route before.

Please could you have a conversation with your child about the expedition and which route is most appropriate for them. Please indicate on the jotform linked below which route your child will be taking for the expedition. Each route to Mui Wo will be fully staffed. All students will need to wear their PE kit and appropriate trainers for the hike. They will need to bring enough water (a minimum of two litres), a sun hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a packed lunch and a snack. All students will attend tutor time in the morning followed by a meeting led by myself, where I will go through the timings and expectations for the day, before we set off. 

We will eat our packed lunches in Mui Wo and then return to DBIS by coach at approximately 2.30pm. The students’ normal timetable will be collapsed for the day; therefore, they can head home straight away upon arriving back in DB.

Link to jotform for parents to complete

Trip costs

The bus trip back to DB will cost HK$50 per student. Please send the money to Joey Lee on the Secondary School reception. The deadline for payment is Wednesday 21st February.

If you have any questions about the expedition, please email me at [email protected]

We look forward to trip, which will be an exciting and rewarding day for all students.

Kind regards,

J Lugg

Head of Year 8