Year 9 Head of Year Bulletin – Term 2

Year 9 Head of Year Bulletin – Term 2


Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to all our students, parents and staff after a well-deserved Christmas break. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to Term 2 and to wish you a Happy New Year; I hope that you were all able to enjoy a restful break. It has been wonderful to see the Year 9 students return to school this week, ready for the new term.

Celebration of Term 1

The two primary foci of Term 1 were ‘Week Without Walls’ and the IGCSE/BTEC options process. Firstly, after visiting Pak Tam Chung in Sai Kung last academic year, the students enjoyed a week of activities at Mount Davis on Hong Kong Island, organised by Asia Adventure Sports. Activities included coasteering, canyoning, dragon boating and the ‘Amazing Race’, where students had to locate and complete challenges on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon. We also had a Halloween-themed evening and quiz during the week. It was a hugely successful week, and the students really seemed to enjoy each day. Our second focus this term was the IGCSE/BTEC options process, and it was fantastic to see the students taking ownership of the process from the initial to final choices. It was great to see so many students at the options evening, where really informative conversations occurred between students, teachers and parents. 

Looking to this term…

1:1 Tutoring

1:1 tutoring continues each morning, and your child’s tutor will have informed them when to attend. This provides an opportunity for the tutor to discuss any difficulties, provide support or just get to know their tutees better.

Review of Target Setting 

The start of the term is also a great opportunity to review the student-led SMART targets. Building on what the students achieved last term is important, and by setting their own targets, students tend to be more motivated to strive towards them. It is important that these targets are realistic, and I will be discussing them with the students in the coming weeks.

Uniform Reminder

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all students of the expectations of uniform. Particular reminders are that students wear plain black school shoes with their full uniform and wear only DBIS items when wearing PE kit. 

House Point Celebrations

It was wonderful to see so many students achieving their bronze house point (50 house points) certificate last term in our celebration assembly, and I am sure many will achieve their silver certificates this term (150 house points). Special mentions to Abigail Choy (9B), Ryan Beatty (9D) and Courtney Alam (9I), who are currently leading the way with house points in their forms. 

Key Dates:

22/01/24 – Review of Year 9 Student Target Setting

29/02/24 – Year 9 Strengths and Targets Report published

11/03/24 – Secondary Sports Day

16/04/204 – PTSC (Term 3)


The students have settled into Term 2 with renewed focus, determination and dedication. Thank you for your continued support.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Neil O’Maonaigh-Lennon

Head of Year 9

[email protected]